Our mission is to be the church for the community, a church beyond Sunday. During lockdown we started a 24hour pantry.
Our mission is to be the church for the community, a church beyond Sunday. During lockdown we started a 24hour pantry.
Our church, Samaritans and members of the community contributed non - perishable items (as well as clothing.) Anyone at anytime was welcome to what we had. Even after lockdown, this will continue to be part of our mission

Kingsmen C​onnect
Kingsmen Connect will be starting on the 19th June at 4pm. This group is for men to meet together in an informal setting, to catch up, be encouraged with
a short talk or testimony and support one another, while enjoying a simple meal together. Contact the church for further details. 4393 1333 or See Steve Barnaby on Sunday.

Samaritans emergency relief centre. Please donate. A bin will be provided a​t the church.
Samaritans emergency relief centre. Please donate. A bin will be provided a​t the church.
We are so happy that the Samaritans office is open and serving our local community once again. Donna is open by appointment, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Please support this amazing ministry by donating non-perishables or money.

Music and movement program for ages 0-5. During school terms. Gold coin donation.
ring 4393 1333 for bookings

Wednesday 9:30-10:30am
Wednesday 9:30-10:30am
Playtime playgroup for ages 0-5 during school terms. Gold coin donation
Ring 4393 1333 for bookings

Thursday 9:30-10:30am
Thursday 9:30-10:30am
Playtime Playgroup
Exciting men's bible study. Make friends. Share God's word.
Contact Rob B for details

Thursday 7pm
Thursday 7pm
The Kingsmen