For our little ones
For our little ones
Come and play with us!
Call for a booking as there are slight variations due to Covid-19 4393 1333
Come and play with us!
Call for a booking as there are slight variations due to Covid-19 4393 1333

Heart beat
Heart beat
HeartBeat is a music and movement program for little ones who are not yet at school and their parent/carer. It's a structured program focusing each week on fundamental movement skills using music and play through an activity circuit. The songs are a combination of secular and Christian kids songs. Grace is always prayed before morning tea.
Part of HeartBeat's mission is time for adults and children to share morning tea with older members of our wider church family from the Mothers Union, to build relationships between those of mature faith and those yet to find it.
Heartbeat is held in the church hall which is a welcoming and comfortable church space.
Details: Wednesday’s
Time 915-10:30am
Age: 0-5
Cost: Gold Coin.
Playtime is fun in a relaxed atmosphere with a distinct format.
Weekly activities include free play, craft, outside play, fruit break, story time, music and parachute games. This is a time for each child and their adult care giver to actively get involved in play with the children.
We engage in a fun sung grace before morning tea and often have a faith based book for story time.
Playtime creates a safe place at Lakes Anglican for families to meet and a safe place to ask questions about faith and God. Families have joined Playtime through Parents Next program, Facebook recommendations (parents pages) Baptisms and word of mouth.
Grandmas are welcome at Playtime forming a bit of a support. These nannas meet regularly for coffee.
Details: Thursday Morning
Time 930-11am
Age: 0-5
Cost : Gold coin